Strata Plan Services

 The purpose of Unity Services Corporation is to provide our clients with simple, unbiased information on which to base decisions regarding the ongoing care and maintenance of their residential properties.

We offer our clients the following services


Owners of multi-tenant buildings, both Strata-Title and investment/rental properties, are confronted with maintenance requirements for building systems (roofing, hot water or ventilation systems, for example) which, by their complex nature, are related in name only to those found in an average single family residence. Others, such as Life Safety Systems, Elevators, and Boilers, are governed by legislated maintenance regulations that are often outside the normal experience of the owners responsible for them.

In addition, the “common areas” (hallways, foyers, etc.) of these buildings require a “commercial” approach to their regular maintenance and refurbishment. The knowledge required for this approach often lies outside the general experience of the Strata council members, owners and on-site building managers responsible.

Owners of Townhouse-style or Bare Land Stratas generally have less “common area” to maintain collectively, but there are still many systems within these properties that require regular attention, maintenance and planning for long term refurbishment or replacement.

Many owners assume that, by turning these issues over to a professional Property Management firm, these responsibilities will be met. It has become clear, in the course of our research, that many have found this is not the case.

In our opinion, many of the companies that operate as property managers would be better described as Property Administrators. This is not to say that they don’t provide valuable services, but we believe them to be limited in their scope. They provide basic, contract administration and minor, and emergency, repair services, but little in the way of Long Term Maintenance Planning.

It is at this point where Unity Services steps in to provide industry insight, knowledge and assistance to Owners in developing long term Major Asset Maintenance (MAM) plans and budgets. It is our position that knowledgeable owners are the most effective managers of their investments.

Some owners find themselves floundering in trying to make Major Asset Maintenance decisions often under the pressure of an emergency replacement. They may encounter difficulty in accessing accurate, unbiased information on which to make confident choices on the replacement of a building’s systems, which will cost many thousands of dollars. It is knowledgeable owners who can best make the decisions that are required to maintain a quality investment.

Unity Services Corporation offers our clients the insight, understanding and knowledge, to assist them in making educated choices, based on over 30 years of experience in the construction, renovation, and facilities management industries.

For more information, please Contact Us.